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TREES of MEMORY | Vision of suicide prevention
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A walk around earth, planting new life in places

where lives of loved ones were lost.



Because my life has been torn into a million pieces through suicide, I will plant TREES of MEMORY for those who are no longer amongst us, and for those whom they left behind. Lining a path of 75 thousand kilometers (more that 45.000 statute miles) across 60 countries, my journey has begun on the 31st of May, 2018. A footpath of life as a visible memento of magnificent, loving people who have lost their hope and their fight against depression.

A supranational beacon of hope for those wishing for death, showing that even in our darkest hours we can achieve incredible feats, uncovering the grandeur of life once again - any time.

TREES of MEMORY are here to encourage sharing of experiences, and finding the grit to ask for help. You can help by drawing attention to the multitude of treatments available today, and taking a stand for life.

Request a TREE of MEMORY for that lost someone whom you held dearly, for free. Or, become a sponsor, starting at one Euro, to help someones tree become reality.


It is my conviction that we need to learn to speak about death itself, and what the loss

of a life held dearly does to us as humans, as well as what it does to our psyche.

I firmly believe in our ability to overcome depression. Every tree being planted is my personal

invitation to you to trust life, and be my companion on my walk around our planet -

virtually, or by joining me for a leg of my hike.

TREES of MEMORY, Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Lining a path of 75 thousand  kilometers (more that 45.000 statute miles) across 60 countries, my journey has begun on the 31st of May, 2018. A footpath of life as a visible memento of magnificent, loving people who have lost their hope and their fight against 

depression. Follow me on my stops around the globe.

TREES of MEMORY, Memories

If you like, you can follow my hike here or through social media. I will try to report as often as I can, and keep you up to date: Where I am right now, whom I have had the privilege to keep company with during their

times of grief, and where I’ll be heading next. Most of my blog entries will be translated to english as well so feel free to follow my journey!

TREES of MEMORY, Aktiv werden

You can help by drawing attention to the multitude of treatments available today, and taking a stand for life. Be it as a tree-sponsor, a donation, or through a membership in our

charitable association. 

Or be it by sharing your very own thoughts and experiences with others. Get in touch with me by email to discuss the best way you can help!

TREES of MEMORY, Mario Dieringer

My name is Mario Dieringer, and I am sick and tired of watching helplessly from the

sidelines. People used to call me sunshine, because I was always ready for the next party, always being the quintessential optimist, no mater what happened. But then, suddenly, at age 46, my brain began going haywire, throwing me into a major depression wich climaxed in my very own attempt at my life. Then, during the Easter Holidays of 2016, the love of my life committed suicide, throwing me back into the abyss, leaving me fighting for my life again, day and night, for months at a time. Luckily, I was able to claim my life back, and today, I do not require professional help anymore, but can focus on this project. Sunshine has returned to my life, for I was able to find a way that freed me from the scourge we call depression. With TRESS of MEMORY, I want to share this new, positive energy with anyone who takes an interest, and help others wherever I can.


Order a tree for someone special you lost. Or become a tree-sponsor for as little as 1 Euro.

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