How fast 3 days can pass by. It was the last day with Hike and together we experienced a lot and we had many great talks and emotional moments. Thanks a lot for this. But today we had another emotional moment. In the morning we went to the community center of Wesseling to speak to the major or the person who is responsible for the allowance to plant a tree. Since 5 weeks I write and call them every 3 days and I told them that it is really importen. Everytime they say, they don´t have an answer for us. For sure they thought: I won´t tell them anything and if he arrived in Wesseling and nothing happend, he will move on, than we don´t have to decide. They tricked me! So I went there and it was not possible to speak to one of them,. But the secretary told us, they have (surprise) now a meeting and than they will talk about TREES of MEMORY. 3 hours later they called us to ell us: The community doesn´t see a need to support us . Thats all..... a bit punsh in Gabys face and in the face for all of us. By now, the video where I talk about it is watched over 5000 times and we search someone with a private ground, we can plant the tree for her beloved son. If you read it, please share our story and help us. .. In the evening I arrived in my friends house and now I will stay for some days (til sunday the 13.5.) in I can work and plan the next days. :-)